Thursday, June 25, 2009

If Only.....!

We shall fall in love today....if only its love!

For past is not to be remembered and for future so unknown....

For you never know I will be pulled away.....why repent later?

That I could never say...what it was to fall in love and feel loved by you!

But today...I could not recall a surprise from you! Our last date or a carefree smile!

For I wanted that all, for no reason...but for us being together...these are all the celebrations.....!

I feel the little moments are real treasure......what we call a carefree leisure!

You believe in building future and I am afraid we are loosing today! I am scared of your fears....though I know you think of future and of me!

I count my days to spend with thee... Life is unpredictable and I might flee!

For now I hope you agree that, If only it is to live....

Life is to love and to smile.....So! Again I say, We shall fall in love today!


Anonymous said...

@ jigyasa,

i was thinking ... is this just a poem ... or is it a reflection of incidents happening in your life !

don't mind to answer ... if its too personal an question to answer !


Jigyasa said...

@ Vamsi

Hi...well it is a poem but like they say, words are the result of what we see & feel around...!

Cheers! Keep smiling!

Sapphire said...

"Life is to love and to smile."
So true....Life is all about spreading smiles all around :)
And only if you fall in love with yourself, can you really love others :) :)
Love Yourself! Love Others! Life Will Be Lovely As Others Will Love You Back :)

viju said...

so very true Jigyasa,

life has become so unrealistic as what it was supposed to be.

lovely words :)

read my poems at

Jigyasa said...

@ Sapphire

Falling in love with oneself...hmmm one must but is that enough?

You are welcome to my space...keep visiting!

@ VS

Thanks for your visit...I shall surely visit ur poetry space!

Life said...

I will fall in love today :) :)

Thats very ture.In fact i fall in love every second.:)

Its very true friend

Take Care

viju said...

hey jigyasa,

i have started a poem blog on blogspot