Friday, July 8, 2011

Magic of Rain!

As the rain drops…the pain drops!
Though the traffic slows and stops….
Rains bring only hopes and hopes…
I dream a dream….before rain stops…
I think of a bike and I just hop
Wow! I could now feel each and every drop….

Look at the sky….hear the noise…
The nature displays such poise…
Kids shouting raising the voice….
As the trees beautifully rise …
Ah! The rains bring such highs!
I feel tired but no sighs!

The weather which was otherwise tragic…..
Rains come and leave the magic…!
Leaving the working crowd nostalgic….!
Of the days when rains were magic!

Now it’s a hush….
We have to rush!
The rains only look so mush-mush…
Hold on for a minute….forget the rush..
We are getting later….let the feeling be crushed!
For now its just the magic of rain.


Mishilicious Mishi said...

haha amazing ! the rains look so mush=mush!! loved this line..beautifully writeen! good job!

Bhargav Bhatt said...

da first drop on ur soul..and u get sooth.. its a magic of rain and the mother nature...

nice read, beautiful pening

Bhargav Bhatt said...

da first drop on ur soul..and u get sooth.. its a magic of rain and the mother nature...

nice read, beautiful pening

Jigyasa said...

@ Mishi

thanQ thanQ :)

@ Bhargav

thanks......i actually penned a poem after a long time!

Ashish Barnwal said...

Wow !!
Never thought a strategic marketer can be so great poet..
Thats the Magic of Rain.

Jigyasa said...

@ Ashish

Seems like you haven't surfed thru my blog.....i do write poetry sometimes....have got 2-3 in hindi too :)

As for now....enjoy the rains!

Bhargav Bhatt said...

do visit ma blog if time permits..

Chakoli said...

Thats lovely....

magic of Rain!

Jigyasa said...

@ Bhargav

Sure....I will... as I reach back....travelling currently!

Jigyasa said...

@ Chakoli

ThanQ chaks...enjoy rains!

Take Care

Jack said...


Very true. We should not forget to enjoy beauty of nature in hustle bustle of life brought out so poetically.

Take care

Jigyasa said...

Thanks Uncle J:)

Have been traveling....!