Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Complacency :(

Complacency is insane.
The same, no change since a while. 
Why me, why me ? Why to bask!
Who shall one go to ask?
Complacency is insane.
Why, why to bear the pain?
Am not the cow Jane!
As I know...there is lot on offer in the life's lane.

Complacency is not my style.
Am being patient for a while.
Am certainly not the sober river - Nile.
Complacency is not my style.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Side by side -Year by year.

Side by side - Year By Year. Special post on our 4th Anniversary.

Of the highs & lows
The pinks & blues
Fights & Lights
Lows & Highs
Remember one thing - 
Together we laughed & together we cried...

Today, I feel that time just flies
Its our truth and our lies
Its our struggle and our plights
Remember one thing -
Together we laughed & together we cried...

For goods and for bad,
For making them smile and for making them sad
Those were the moments that we created
And those are the memories that we cherish together...
Remember one thing -
Together we laughed & together we cried..

The four years that have just gone by
I remember the start and the time we couldn't stood by
I smile them away - as I think of them...
I stand strong - as I think of now..
Remember one thing -
Together we make a better life:)